11 Months!!

Hola mi familia!
First of all, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! I have a ton but I'm going to try to respond to them all! I am really excited for the next week because we are gonna have an asado on my birthday and then I get to chat with all of you guys next week!! by the way plan on 12:00...
So this week we had a Christmas Conf. with half of the mission. It was really fun to see a bunch of people and then we all did skits with our zones. Ours was really funny, the video is too long so you will have to wait for 13 months to see it ;)
This week they started a new rule in our mission. There has been some crazy stuff happening around Argentina and now we have to be in our apartments when it gets dark. (8:30) its kinda hard because that is an hour early which could be a lesson, but I know the Lord will bless us if we keep that rule.
This week has been really good but I have been exhausted all week, it is really hot here (sorry dad, you were wrong, its not nice its hot and HUMID!!!! i hate the humidity... haha) Last night was a really rough nights sleep because the lights went out and that means our fans did too.... I woke up soaking wet in sweat... how fun :) haha
Transfers are this week! our zone wont be changing that much. I think I will have one more transfer with my comp and then I´ll get a new one. Zone Leaders are usually in the area for 6-8 months in my mission. I'm expecting to be here until next general conf.
I was reading this week a lot in Alma 26. It is really good to help a missionary find his purpose in the mission and truly why they are in a specific mission. (reading homework: Alma 26)
So I bought another jersey this week, I bought a Newell´s jersey. They are really common in our area and also when i was in Las Heras. Everyone gets happy when I tell them I'm from Newells.
This week I have been trying really hard to throw all of my chips in the middle and go all in. I have been struggling to do that a little bit but I know that if i can, we will be blessed. I want to just be 100% focused on the work and everything. I feel like things will turn around really soon and we will find more people to teach!
I FINISHED THE BOM IN SPANISH!!! this last Wednesday I finished the BOM 2 days before my goal of the 13th. It was really cool to finish, now I'm starting over and really studying it a lot! its really great!
Well I love you guys so much, I'm excited to talk with you next week!! Tell everyone hi for me at the Christmas parties and stuff!!! have a great week!!
♥Elder Sisk

Elder Whitaker, Elder Gorringe, and I
the Christmas conference
Elder Millheim left to his house....
Elder Clavero!
Our Zone
Our District
My Newell´s Jersey (Check out the tan line from his watch)